What Every Woman Needs To Know About Vitamin C

What Every Woman Needs To Know About Vitamin C

Back in the days of old, vitamin C was thought to just be good to boost immunity.

We know today that vitamin C is a vital nutrient to hormone health, fighting cancer, and boosting immunity!

A vitamin is a catalyst, a substance that enables other nutrients to work.

This super anti-oxidant and detoxifying nutrient has been making news for decades, since Dr. Linus Pauling began researching its amazing immune-boosting effects.

What is vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a necessary nutrient that is water soluble, so that your body eliminates what ever it doesn’t need. 

Vitamin C is a detoxifying antioxidant and a vital anti-pollution nutrient. Many studies have demonstrated vitamin C’s cancer-deterring strengths. 

Bio-chemical studies suggest that vitamin C blocks the formation of carcinogens from cured meats such as bacon, ham, and smoked fish. 

Experts say that a diet rich in vitamin C significantly inhibits the transformation of nitrates into birth defect-causing chemicals. 

What are the main benefits of vitamin C?

Vitamin C is an important aspect of the low-toxin diet.  It helps block nutrient depletion that might arise as a result of nitrate-induced vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin C then could be an important weapon in the battle against nitrites.  Special Note: Governments began mandating that vitamin C be added to processed meats in 1978.

“Vitamin c can inoculate a person against hundreds of environmental pollutants, infectious and degenerative diseases and emotional distress.” -Dr. Alfred Libby, Linus Pauling Institute

When you are sick or under stress your body requires more Vitamin C.  Many keep an extra supplement around for the times when you feel a cold or flu coming on. 

How does vitamin C affect hormones?

Let’s talk about stress and hormones for a moment.  When we are under stress the adrenals have to work over time to produce adrenalin and cortisol to keep us afloat day to day. 

What many do not know is that our adrenals use vitamin C at a higher rate than any other organ in our body. 

“A vitamin C deficiency would have an adverse effect on the adrenal glands.” – Dr. John Lee 

Dr. Lee has found that the RDA is not appropriate for people under stress such as: illness, infection, surgery, trauma, fatigue, or any metabolic, or even psychological stress.

“Vitamin C increases adrenal function and should be consumed several times a day.” -Dr. James Wilson, author of Adrenal Fatigue.  

The vast majority or animals make their own vitamin C as needed.  When put under stress, their vitamin C production increases. 

Humans are unable – incapable of making vitamin C.

All of our Vitamin C must come from our food.  

Where does vitamin C originate?

There are many good food sources of naturally-occuring vitamin C including:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Tomatoes
  • Mangoes, kiwis
  • Red peppers

Since time and heat destroy Vitamin C,  eating plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables is the best way to get vitamin C naturally.

When we are unable or unwilling to eat well, then supplementing with vitamin C is a must.

The low amounts of vitamin C found in most multi-vitamins should be considered only the start of the supplementation of this important nutrient.

“The amount of vitamin C in a supplement is far less than I’d want a person to take. I nearly always start with a minimum of 1000 milligrams 2x/day.” -Dr. James Wilson, author of Adrenal Fatigue.  

It is important to spread vitamin C supplementation throughout the day.

Taking 3,000mg of vitamin C at one time is nowhere near as potent as taking 1,000mg at 3 separate times.

Your body utilizes vitamin C so quickly, that taking it throughout your day is the only way to insure your body has all that it needs.

What should I look for in a vitamin C supplement?

Anyone who’s ever shopped carefully for vitamin C knows that there are several types of C to choose from.

Here’s a quick rundown of different C types

* ASCORBIC ACID: This is the standard form of vitamin C.  It is inexpensive to produce and therefore the product most often found in stores.  

*SODIUM ASCORBATE: Sodium ascorbate is one of the salt forms of the nutrient Vitamin C (as opposed to the acid form). Since it is alkaline versus acidic, it is gentle on your system, which is important when taking larger amounts.

* NATURAL vs. SYNTHETIC: The synthetic vitamin C molecule is chemically identical to natural forms. The difference arises in other nutrients that accompany the C, such as bioflavonoids, which make the C more effective. That’s not to say that I don’t prefer natural; it’s just that it’s very hard to come by, and extremely expensive. So the chances of high doses of C (like 1000-milligram capsules) being all-natural are low.

* ROSE HIPS: This natural form of vitamin C is very expensive, so nobody sells it exclusively (to my knowledge). Manufacturers put a little in with the synthetic source for marketing purposes. In its natural state, meaning mixed by Mother Nature with attending bioflavonoid fractions, there’s little question that lower amounts of rose hips are required for an equivalent biological action.

* ACEROLA VITAMIN C: This is another natural form (from a tropical American shrub). Like rose hips, acerola is usually mixed with synthetic.

* VITAMIN C COMPLEX: This is somewhat non-specific, and can be any group of related items, such as multiple salts of C (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium ascorbates, for example).

* ESTER C: There is an issue concerning Ester C, touted as stronger than the standard form. Dr. Linus Pauling publicly doubted some of the claims of the developers, though you’ll see commercials that indicate it is a more gentle form.

* FAT SOLUBLE VITAMIN C: The fat-soluble form of vitamin C is called ascorbyl palmitate, and is better absorbed and stored by the body than water-soluble forms. (All the other forms of C are water-soluble.) Ascorbyl palmitate is harder to find, and more expensive.

How much vitamin C is enough?

The amount of any vitamin you take is not necessarily the amount that your body ends up absorbing and ultimately putting to use.

Absorption is the key to everything. 

We believe in giving the body “luxuriant amounts” of nutrients, in order to support the body in getting what it needs.

Complicating the absorption issue is the fact that your body’s ability to absorb nutrients is not necessarily the same from one day to the next.

The degree of vitamin C absorption changes depending upon the dose ingested and the body’s need at any particular time. 

For example, 6,000mg might cause loose stools in a given healthy person when the same person during a bout with the flu might be able to take 20,000mg without difficulty. 

2,000mg a day is a great start.

“I recommend people take up to 10,000mg a day, divided into five 2,000mg doses throughout the day. Even more when you are under stress, or your body is fighting an infection. -Dr. Alfred Libby, Linus Pauling Institute

10,000mg may seem like a lot, and it is, but your body cannot make it and cannot store it.

Every time you drink a cup of coffee, you deplete vitamin C.

Every time you get worried, or are under stress, you deplete vitamin C.

The most important thing is to take at least 2,000mg a day…and more when you are under stress.

Keep in mind that large doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea, so we recommend that you slowly increase your intake.