How To Balance Hormones with This Simple Hack

Nourishing your body is very important… but it is essential when trying to balancing your hormones.
But, this doesn’t have to be complicated,. just apply this simple nutrition hack.
Our body responds to the food we give it by producing appropriate hormones.
For instance, we know that eating foods that are estrogenic in nature may raise our estrogen levels.
Dr. John Lee always said, ” We are living in a sea of estrogen causing many to become Estrogen Dominant.”
Too much circulating insulin produced from eating proteins and carbs can cause your body to over-produce testosterone.
We know also that testosterone is a precursor to the body’s production of estrogen, and so estrogen levels can raise under the influence of foods we have eaten that raise insulin.

ALL hormones in your body interact with one another.
What tends to happen as insulin increases, testosterone increases, estrogen increases, AND progesterone decreases.
When this occurs, women do not feel well!
They suffer from all the symptoms of Estrogen Dominance, progesterone deficiency, and androgen excess.
So, controlling insulin is of significant importance for many women with elevated testosterone or estrogen, and goes a long way to resolving their hormone imbalance.
How do we control insulin???
By resolving insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity… in other words, choose foods that nourish our body differently.
Carbs and protein both stimulate the production of insulin…
Studies are showing that lowering our intake of these types of foods affects a change in insulin and thus effects our hormone levels.
This is known as a Low Carb High Healthy Fat Diet or LCHF.
LCHF means that Carbs make up approx. 5 – 20% of the diet, protein is moderate at 20%, and healthy fats are raised to 60 – 75% of the diet to compensate for the lower carb intake, and to create meals that are satisfying.
We have found this to be a very effective lifestyle treatment for achieving and maintaining hormone balance.
RELATED: 9 Essential Nutrients for Beating Estrogen Dominance
Combine LCHF with moderate exercise, and intelligent supplementation, and this becomes a program to reverse hormone challenges such as elevated estrogen and elevated testosterone.
We have seen this diet help stop Hot Flashes, end infertility, and boost a woman’s breast health.
Don’t guess…TEST!!!
The first step is do a 5 Panel Saliva Test to determine your hormone levels!