Estrogen Dominance Quiz

Estrogen Dominance is not your friend!!!
The primary cause of hormone imbalance is Estrogen Dominance.
Estrogen Dominance is caused by estrogen levels being higher than progesterone.
Estrogen Dominance is the result of many factors, including: stress, prepackaged foods, growth hormones in food, birth control pills, and an abundance of esters in daily life.
So, how are you doing???
Relax…regardless of the results, we’ve got your back.
11 simple answers can help determine if Estrogen Dominance is an issue in you body… a Saliva Test can verify the actual levels.
RELATED ARTICLE: Saliva Testing & Estrogen Dominance What Everyone Ought to Know
Your body will thank you!
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Don’t Guess Test!!! Order your saliva test kit today!
Take control of your hormone health and get your hormones tested by an independent CLIA approved laboratory.