6 Secrets to Boosting Breast Health

6 Secrets to Boosting Breast Health

Breast cancer is a scary thing to most women…

But it doesn’t have to be.

After nearly 30 years of studying this issue the secret we reveal may shock you.

A woman dies of breast cancer every 12 minutes in North America!

It has become the most common cancer-related cause of death in women.

The risk of surviving malignant breast cancer is approximately 33%, which is virtually the same as it was 50 years ago, when the only treatment was mastectomy.

The incidence of breast cancer is steadily rising and the numbers are appalling.

From 1973 – 1998, the incidence of breast cancer rose by over 40%.

The rate of breast cancer has increased by 1 per cent a year since 1940.

Wearing a pink ribbon is simply not enough!

If I had my wish every pink ribbon would carry an additional message for women. 

That message would be, “TODAY… YOU can improve your breast health and reduce the risk of breast cancer!”

1. Estrogen Dominance increases your risk of breast cancer.

The hormone connection with breast cancer is estrogen unopposed by adequate progesterone, known as Estrogen Dominance.

Estrogen Dominance describes a condition where a woman can have deficient, normal, or excessive estrogen but has little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the body.

Uterine and breast tissues are sensitive to the proliferative effects of estrogen and prolonged states of estrogen dominance can increase a woman’s risk of cancer.

Progesterone promotes differentiation and stimulates apoptosis or cell death in endometrial and breast cells. 

If progesterone is not adequate then that does not bode well for hormonal balance.

The Johns Hopkins University conducted a 20 year study, published in 1983 in the American Journal of Epidemiology, showing that women who had good progesterone levels reduced the incidence of breast cancer by over 80%!

The outcomes suggested that having a normal level of progesterone in balance with normal levels of estrogen protected women from 90% of all cancers that might otherwise have occurred.

Balanced hormones reduced ALL cancers 90%.

WOW!!! Something as simple as balancing hormones has a profound impact on the incidence of cancer.

2. Breast cancer then is likely a result of a hormonal imbalance.

When the estrogen/progesterone ratio is dramatically altered the estrogen becomes toxic to the body without progesterone to stop it.

As a result, the risk for breast and uterine cancer, fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, cervical erosions and/or dysplasia, and osteoporosis rises.

3. Estrogen, unopposed by progesterone, results in other adverse effects.

In addition to cancer, additional symptoms include: hypertension, salt/water retention, abnormal blood clotting, excessive body fat, hypothyroidism, painful breasts, fibrocystic breast disease, increased risk of gall bladder disease, gallstones, and liver dysfunction

Although research into the mind/brain is beginning to alter this theory, current medical opinion says we cannot change our genetic risk factors for Breast Cancer.

However, a growing body of research is showing us that women really can make a difference in their breast health through becoming better informed about how our body makes hormones, understanding about hormonal imbalance, and applying some natural alternatives to deal with out-of-balance hormones.

4. Don’t guess…TEST!

Evaluating hormone levels using saliva testing is one way to know if our health challenges are connected to hormone issues.

Saliva testing is the most accurate way to measure hormone levels, even more accurate than blood, and it is non-invasive.

For less than $200, a saliva test kit can deliver the peace of mind that comes from knowing whether or not your hormone levels are in balance!

Women need to have all the information presented to them on the hormone issue so that they can make a well informed choice as to which path they would like to travel down in order to bring balance to their hormones. 

5. Intelligent supplementation.

Let’s face it, our busy schedules don’t always allow us to make the best choices when it comes to nutrition.

Then consider that most of the food we consume no longer has the necessary nutrition to truly feed our body and we are really in trouble.

I have found that the only way to gain control and manage hormone health is with an intelligent supplementation program.

What is an intelligent supplementation program? One that is designed to support our entire body, and especially, balanced hormones.

It needs to have nutrients like: soluble and insoluble fiber, insoles, & vitamin D, that support the body in removing estrogen.

It should also include a bio-identical hormone cream (I’m sorry wild yam won’t do the trick). Vitamin C to support adrenal health.

Arginine to support your heart health.

Intelligent supplementation is a critical weapon of any woman who wants to boost breast health.

6. Make adjustments in your diet.

This is not about losing weight. But, eating a low-carb diet is more than an important lifestyle choice… it is an essential component of your breast health defense!

Knowledge is power!!

The most important element in your fight to prevent or reverse breast cancer is faith and knowledge.

We have seen countless women beat or avoid this by dedicating themselves to balancing their hormones.


The National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) is a grassroots organization dedicated to ending breast cancer through action and advocacy.  www.breastcancerdeadline2020.org

Cowan, L.D., L. Gordis, J.A. Tomascia and G.S. Jones, “Breast Cancer Incidence in Women with a History of Progesterone Deficiency” Am J Epidemiol 114 (1981): 209 – 217